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Guidelines & Brochures — Regional

European Red List of Birds. 2021

The European Red List of Birds is a review of the regional extinction risk of all 544 species of birds occurring regularly and naturally in Europe. The assessment, performed by BirdLife International for the fourth time (1994, 2004, 2015 and 2021), follows the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria applied at the regional level. Evaluating the extinction risk of each species – i.e., Least Concern, Near Threatened or threatened, and if the latter, to what level – helps to inform decision making, shaping national and international environmental policies and on-the-ground conservation action.

The results presented in this report are based on data collated by thousands of experts and volunteers from 54 countries and territories across the European region, extending from Greenland, Iceland and Svalbard in the north to the Canary Islands, Malta and Cyprus in the south, and from the Azores in the west to the Caucasus and the Ural Mountains in the east. The data, compiled in 2019, encompass the 1980-2018 period.

BirdLife International. 2021. European Red List of Birds. Compiled by BirdLife International. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

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