Guidelines & Brochures — Global

General Use and Trade Classification Scheme (Version 1.0)

The structure for the End Use as shown on the species Fact Sheets and as search options under the 'Use and Trade' filter of the Advanced Search is provided here.


Assessors use this Classification Scheme to record the end uses of species harvested from the wild i.e., where whole individuals or parts or products from individuals are harvested for use. This is often called “consumptive use” indicating that things are removed from the wild. This scheme is not restricted to consumption by humans, or use as human food. In documenting the end uses, Asessors are also asked to record the  scale of the use (i.e., subsistence, national, international).


A draft working document (July 2020) is available here. This provides the details for the General Use and Trade Classification Scheme, including the End Uses, with definitions, examples and guidance notes on using the system. Any comments on the General Use and Trade Classification Scheme are welcome.


End Use:


  1. Food - human
  2. Food - animal
  3. Medicine - human & veterinary
  4. Poisons
  5. Manufacturing chemicals
  6. Other chemicals
  7. Fuels
  8. Fibre
  9. Construction or structural
  10. Wearing apparel, accessories
  11. Other household goods
  12. Handicrafts, jewellery, etc.
  13. Pets/display animals, horticulture
  14. Research
  15. Sport hunting/specimen collecting
  16. Establish ex-situ production*
  17. Other (free text)
  18. Unknown


* Ex-situ production is always used in combination with another end use

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